
SCRAPS BY P & A DEZIGNS . Powered by Blogger.



Friday, 3 May 2013

*Right Click - Open Link In New Tab - On All Images To View Full Size*

FTU Sweet And Innocent

Artist:  Lady Mishka @ Scraps And The City Prepaid Commission
You can find tubes for that company HERE
Scrap Kit: Lady A by Sweet Tooth Scrap Studio
Mask: Mask 42 from Moonbeams & Spiderwebs 
and you can find the mask HERE
Font: Piano Light
Template:  Millie's PSP Madness Template #136 TEMPLATES
Filters Used: Xero Porcelain
 Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow

OK, Lets get started.

First, change the color of the circle, the small rectangle and large rectangle to match your tube.  
If you are using the same tube, highlight layer 9.  Clicked ADJUST - HUE AND SATURATION - HUE/SATURATION/LIGHTNESS  and used these settings:

Highlight layer 6 - hold down CTRL key and tap "Y" key.  Do the same for layer 3 and paper layer.

Highlight layer 9 again.  C/P your tube as a new layer.  Resized 60% positioned as you like.  Go back to layer 9 and used magic wand and click in the circle.  Now you have marching ants, go to SELECTIONS - INVERT.  Go back to the tube layer and tap delete key.  Go back to SELECTIONS - INVERT and you should only have the marching ants around the circle again.  Duplicate your tube layer.  Go to ADJUST - BLUR - GAUSSIAN BLUR and use this setting:

Go to BLEND MODE and choose HARD LIGHT.  Go back to original tube layer and go to EFFECT - PLUGINS - XERO PORCELAIN/XL and use these settings:

 Then go back to BLEND MODE and choose LUMINANCE (LEGACY)

 Highlight layer 4.  Go to SELECTION - SELECT ALL - FLOAT - DEFLOAT.  Add New Raster Layer.  C/P Paper 26 as a new raster layer.  Resize paper 60%.  Place paper as desired.  SELECTION - INVERT and tap DELETE button.  SELECTION NONE.  Hide or delete layer 4.

Now for the Elements. 
See tag for placement.
Open Element 25 -  C/P & Move to the left.
Open Element 44 - C/P & Resize 50% - Move to left.
Open Element 110 - C/P.  Move to the right.  Duplicate - Mirror and flip.

 Open Element 108 - C/P  - Move to right.  Duplicate - Mirror and Flip.
 Add tube.  I resized mine 40% and moved to right.

Now some widow dressing.
Highlight Layer 3 - EFFECT - EYE CANDY 4000 - GRADIENT GLOW and use these settings:

Do the same for paper layer and layers 1, 6, 7 and 8.
You can also do the same for the word art layers, if you kept those and want to.
(I change the color order of Eye Candy for Sweet & Innocent, where the example has white and black, I used black and white.)

Let's do the Mask layer now.

Highlight background layer.  Go to EDIT - CLEAR.
Add New Raster Layer - SELECTION - SELECT ALL.
Go to LAYERS - NEW MASK LAYER -  FROM IMAGE - ADD MASK FROM IMAGE - from the drop down CHOOSE Mask 42 MB and SW - make sure you select SOURCE LUMINANCE and OK.  

Add Drop Shadow to all the layers you wish.  I used
V & H 2
Opacity 70
Blur 7
Color Black
On Layers 1, 2, 3, paper layer, heart layers, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, tree layer, horse layer,  tube and word art layers.

 Now you can add name and  © information.  Save as .PNG and resize if you wish.
I resize before I save and add name and © info.

Let me know what you think of this tutorial. Thanks for taking a look.



All things I provide on this blog are my own creation.
Any resemblance to others is strictly coincidence.
Please do not share.
Do not claim as yours.
If you use any items here please link back to my blog.
No translations of my tutorials.
The tutorials here are merely guidelines and you are perfectly welcome to do your own thing.
All links were current and available at the time of their posting. I cannot control who comes and goes, so if you find a broken link, please use a suitable replacement item.
Feel free to send me anything that you make with my stuff and I will gladly showcase it. My email is

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